
How Can I See Traffic Cameras In Az

What does Arizona law have to say about photo radar?

Arizona law allows cities to operate photograph enforcement systems. Cities use ii companies primarily, RedFlex and American Traffic Solutions. These companies sign contracts with individuals cities to run the photo radar programs. They brand money, and the urban center makes money. In fact, the city of Scottsdale generates nearly $iv million dollars a year snapping photos of unsuspecting drivers.

The problem with photo radar is that near drivers are completely unaware that they have been cited. It is non until weeks later when they receive a commendation that they become aware that they have allegedly broken the law.

Moreover, many driver's accused by photo radar programs are driving perfectly responsibly and in no danger of themselves or order. Traffic cameras are automatic to snap photos of drivers under sure weather condition, regardless of the surrounding circumstances or conditions. The purpose is not to promote commuter prophylactic or safer roadways. The purpose is to generate acquirement for the city and the traffic camera companies.

I received a photo radar ticket in the mail, do I have to respond?

Many people have been told that they tin "throw away" or "ignore" photo radar citations that take been sent in the post.

This article will explain that theory in greater detail and provide you with data virtually your rights according to the constabulary in Arizona.

According to Arizona Revised Statutes 28-1592, if a photo radar ticket is filed with the court against yous, it must be served to you within xc days from the date of the filing with the court.

This means that simply mailing the citation to you via regular postal service is not enough!

The citation must exist served in order to obtain jurisdiction over you and your case.

Summary: You practise not demand to answer to a photo radar ticket unless you are served with the ticket (unless you waive your rights – see beneath).

Please note, if you are served, you volition be responsible for the service of process fee. This unremarkably costs around $40-$100 depending upon the jurisdiction.

What is service of process in photograph radar cases?

A ticket is formally "served" when a process server physically comes to your house or place of residence and serves you lot, or somebody of suitable historic period, residing within your property.

Process servers are not supposed to go out service documents under the human foot mat or stuffed in the door jam (although sometimes they practice).

They are supposed to physically paw the document to an private, identify that individual, and take notes regarding the service that occurred.

What if I already contacted the court?

In that location are several ways you can "waive" your correct to exist served with the violation.

If you answer to the ticket, the Court may consider your response to be acknowledgement that you received the ticket. This ordinarily happens when:

  • Yous fill out the paperwork they sent to you and ship it back (selecting one of the options)
  • Sending back a letter or note saying you were not the commuter
  • Going to courtroom to see the Judge
  • Writing the Judge an angry letter of the alphabet
  • Going online and requesting an extension of fourth dimension

Generally, calling the court and asking questions about the tickets are not waivers of service.

Similarly, viewing the pictures or videos online at or are not waivers of service.

These website are run by the third party providers who install and operate these cameras.

Volition I get served in my city?

Each metropolis has different policies on service, and generally speaking, they are every bit follows:

Scottsdale Photo Enforcement

Scottsdale is by far the virtually aggressive photograph enforcement entity in Arizona.

In our experience, they serve virtually all citations for both in country and oft out of country citations.

They are also the only urban center in Arizona that does alternative service, where they get permission from the Estimate to mail a re-create via certified mail and record or post a copy of the citation to your garage or front door.

This is acceptable for service, and so practise not exist surprised if this happens.

Mesa Photo Enforcement

Mesa is very aggressive with serving citations to people living in Arizona and moderately aggressive with people living out of state.

Mesa volition non frequently wait to serve people or give them a "grace period" to reply.

If you are living in state and receive a Mesa citation, expect to get served.

Chandler Photograph Enforcement

Chandler does not have a very robust photo enforcement program, only does serve people if they are in the state of Arizona.

This program is not about as aggressive as Scottsdale or Mesa.

Paradise Valley Photograph Enforcement

Paradise Valley has the least aggressive photo enforcement system in Arizona.

They do non serve people who live out of land, in our feel, and are but moderately aggressive serving people within Arizona.

Their programme does seem to be increasing their focus on service in recent months, notwithstanding, as we are seeing a college influx of calls from people who have been served.

Metropolis of Phoenix Photo Enforcement

The City of Phoenix does accept a photo enforcement program, just we do not come across a high plenty volume of calls to make a conclusive statement most their service of process policies here.

How long practise they have to serve me?

The city has 90 days to service you from the date the complaint was filed past the court. It is important to notation that the ninety days starts from the appointment that the complaint was filed with the court and not the appointment of the violation.

If you believe you were flashed by a photo radar camera but have not received a citation in the postal service, please note that the city has upward to sixty days from the appointment of the violation to file the ticket with the courtroom.

Once filed, they then have 90 days to serve you with the citation.

Hither is an instance of the filing engagement on a Scottsdale citation:

Photo Radar, R&R Law Group

To summate the service date deadline, the best tool to apply is Wolfram Alpha. Visiting this tool, y'all tin input the date of service and add together 90 days to calculate the bodily borderline. In this case, enter the data equally follows:

Photo Radar, R&R Law Group

Press enter to calculate the result, which will tell you when your service borderline is:

Photo Radar, R&R Law Group

If you accept non been served by this deadline, the city cannot legally serve y'all any further and your ticket volition be dismissed.

What is "culling service"?

Culling service of photo radar tickets simply occurs with tickets from the City of Scottsdale.

Our office has never seen information technology occur elsewhere.

This happens when a process server attempts to serve you with the violation, but either gives up or is not successful.

When this occurs, they tell their company that their attempts have failed, and so they ask the prosecutor's office for help.

The prosecutor will then file a request for "alternative service" with the court, and the Estimate will almost always grant permission to employ culling service.

This is how it looks in the court docket:

Photo Radar, R&R Law GroupY'all can check your case status without waiving any of your rights by visiting the Scottsdale City Court website.

If yous run across a line that indicates that the Judge issued an "Order for Alternative Service", this means the Judge is allowing the process service to return to your house and tape a copy of the citation to your front door or garage.

They must as well mail you copies via mail and certified mail.

Once they accept taped the certificate to your residence and sent a copy via the mail, service is effective and yous must now address the citation.

They no longer demand to serve you personally!

If you ignore your next court date, your instance will go into a default status, the court will append your license, nearly double your fine and no longer allow you to contest your citation.

I was served, now how do y'all fight a photo radar ticket?

If you believe yous were properly served with the ticket and still want to contest it, the case volition need to go forwards to a hearing.
Civil Traffic Hearing

A ceremonious traffic hearing usually involves several parties:

  • The people who want to convict you; the photo radar police officer or traffic adjutant and in some jurisdictions, the prosecutor
  • The defence force and your attorney if you choose to hire ane to aid you
  • The Judge who is supposed to make an impartial ruling based upon the evidence presented

At a civil traffic hearing, the government goes first and presents their evidence confronting y'all.

When they take finished, it is the defendant's turn to ask them questions about what they have presented. It is non the time to nowadays testimony.

After this questioning or cantankerous-examination has been completed, it is now the defence force'southward turn to present their prove and testimony.

The Judge has the opportunity to inquire follow-upwards questions.

The Judge will finally consequence a ruling.

Government's Evidence

When the case goes forrad to a hearing, the government will usually present a few exhibits:

  1. The original ticket
  2. A photograph graph of the commuter and a corresponding photograph from the motor vehicle section
  3. A document of calibrations or certifications that represent to the machine
  4. A video of the infraction
  5. A scattergram of the traffic speeds
  6. A histogram of the traffic patterns

The 'officeholder' will also read from a script well-nigh the nature and weather around the area, identifying points of interest like schools, crosswalks, businesses, parks and other areas.

They utilize all of this to argue that your driving was not appropriate given all of this bear witness.

Argue Against the Evidence

The all-time method of contesting this show is normally to argue that their prove does non bear witness what they say information technology shows.

(Any constitutionality, due process, confrontation clause or right to face your accusers routinely fail.)

Instead, information technology is all-time to use their own evidence confronting them.

For instance, let'due south review the following examples of scattergrams that are oft presented past the authorities.

These charts are used to illustrate the flow of traffic and each vehicles speed over a menstruation of time.

In this chart, the violator vehicle is definitely exterior of the full general flow of traffic considering information technology is well above the trigger speed and no other vehicles are traveling about that speed.

Photo Radar, R&R Law Group

Dissimilarity that chart, with this chart that is much more reasonable:

Photo Radar, R&R Law Group

In this chart, the violator vehicle trigger the camera, but in reality was travelling much more closely in line with the other traffic in the surface area.

In this situation, this individual's speed tin exist considered to be much more reasonable and prudent given the circumstances, fifty-fifty though in that location was a citation issued.

Unfortunately, you or your attorney do non have admission to this information until the twenty-four hours of the hearing. This is the law in Arizona.

Non the Driver

At that place are other ways to fight photo radar tickets, including demonstrating that you were not in fact the driver.

If you accept evidence that you were non in Arizona at the time of the violation or that another individual was in fact driving, you may be able to persuade the court to dismiss the ticket.

Even so, this evidence needs to be substantial. But submitting the form on the ticket y'all receive indicating that you were not the driver is ordinarily not enough.

This volition almost always issue in a response letter maxim that you cannot be excluded from being the commuter.

Bad Scale

In some cases, at that place are faulty machines or bad calibration, such equally in this example:

Photo Radar, R&R Law GroupIn this case, the "RTIME" in the photo was 592.8 seconds, or almost x full minutes! That means the calorie-free was ruddy for x minutes straight before this driver decided to become through the intersection.

Despite this clear error and problem with the intersection, this driver was all the same issued a citation, although it was later dismissed.

What are the penalties for photo radar?

Photo radar violations are ceremonious traffic offenses, and commonly not criminal.

There are fines and points associated with civil traffic violations:

  • Speeding is 3 points, and the fine increases with the speed
  • Red Light Violations are 2 signal violations and usually approximately a $250 fine

Convictions for red light offenses besides requires the completion of Traffic Survival School, which is much different than Defensive Driving School.

Traffic Survival Schoolhouse is an 8-hr class that must be completed in person and it does not dismiss the points. This grade usually costs around $150 dollars.

An accumulation of too many photograph radar violations or other violations tin lead to a license suspension due to points.

The Arizona Motor Vehicle Department begins to penalize drivers when they reach eight points.

Insurance rates generally increase every bit well, depending upon the insurance provider, the driver'due south record, and the nature of the offense.

However, if insurance rates go up $50/calendar month over a 36-month menstruation, that equals $1,800!

If is important to consider insurance rates when determining whether or non to fight a photo radar violation.

Do I need a lawyer for my photograph radar ticket?

You may non need to hire a lawyer if you accept received a traffic camera ticket in the mail if:

  • You are eligible for Defensive Driving School (this is cheaper than hiring a lawyer)
  • Y'all are not in danger of a license suspension
  • You are not worried almost insurance rate increases
  • You are not a commercial driver or a CDL holder
  • You were admittedly not the driver of the vehicle (you can sometimes handle this yourself)
  • You have not been served or alternatively served

It may exist a good thought to hire a lawyer if:

  • You are facing a license suspension
  • Y'all take multiple citations
  • Yous have a CDL license

How much does a lawyer toll for photograph radar tickets?

We have provided the information on this page to assist y'all in making the determination as to whether or not it is worth information technology to hire a lawyer. In many cases, it does not make sense from a cost perspective. However, at that place are certain situations where information technology is imperative to take a proper defence force.

For near violations, our office charges no less than $750 per citation. This cost varies by jurisdiction and the particular situation. For multiple violations, the fee may be reduced based upon what is reasonably required for proper representation.

This cost is more than paying the citation. All the same, information technology is important to consider the additional costs that may be imposed upon you in terms of insurances rates and the potential for a license suspension.

What are my chances to beat this ticket?

This is great question and one that is very common.

Unfortunately, information technology is almost impossible for us to answer until nosotros begin work on your case.

The evidence that we need to review is not available to us until the solar day of the hearing.

Withal, in general:

  • For speeding violations: the lower the speed the ameliorate the chances
  • For red light tickets: the lower the "RTIME" is in the photograph, the improve the chances

Each jurisdiction has unique particulars in how they enforce photo radar violations.

If you are considering hiring an attorney, it is best to have a more than thorough consultation regarding the particulars of your example by submitting your commendation below.

I accept read this page and still want to speak with a lawyer!

Due to a high volume of these tickets being issued every month, we ask that y'all help aid us in reviewing your case by completing the following form. This will assistance expedite the procedure and provide you with a more accurate quote should you decide that you need additional assistance. Cheers for agreement!


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